I’m still working on my feelings about conformity and guilt. Today my lesson was brought to me by the friendly barista working the drive through window at the coffee shop.
This morning I cruised into the drive through at my local coffee shop with loyalty card in hand, ready to buy my usual $2 morning cup of coffee (expensive I know, but totally worth it!).
As I pulled up to the window, the young woman looked at me and told me, “The car in front of you paid for your coffee.”
“Damn”, I said, “I hate it when they do that!”
She frowned, looking a bit confused, and asked “Why is that?”
Sighing, I said, “How much is the order for the car behind me?”
She looked over her shoulder to the register and replied, “$13.97.”
“That’s why…” I muttered under my breath.
She just smiled at me and said “Embrace the free coffee!“
I took a deep breath, exhaled, and realized the wisdom of her words. Smiling, I pulled off, sipping my coffee and enjoying it all the way to work.